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Féthi Grabsi, Spinning® Master Instructor | France

Publicado el19-8-2018 porMad Dogg Athletics

As a former mathematics teacher, Féthi appreciates educating and guiding people in order to allow them to live a unique fitness experience as well as to reach their goals. His natural curiosity has led him to develop a multi-disciplinary approach to developing his skills in the fitness field. He is the Education Director for Fitlane, a chain of 10 fitness centers in the French Riviera. Fluent in English, French and Spanish (and a bit of Arabic, too) he loves traveling around the world and dancing, showing his energy and passion when teaching Zumba® classes! He is also trained in Pilates (Michael King Institute) and several other group fitness formats like Body Pump™ and Body Jam™, and is also an InTrinity® MI as well. 'Have fun and enjoy life!' is his motto.

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